Online Thrush Test, Home Treatment and Medication

Test yourself for thrush at home with help from online doctors!
Our doctors can help you to get a home treatment for thrush and a prescription for medication

It can be difficult to get a same-day doctor’s appointment, especially if you live in a rural area or travelling to your nearest surgery is difficult. With Instant Consult, you can access an online doctor in Perth wherever you need and do so within 15 minutes. There is no need to book a doctor’s appointment online in Perth, residents can simply connect with one of our fully qualified doctors via video. It’s a quick and convenient way to get access to the medical advice you need without leaving your home.

Common types of yeast infection

Learn more about the three most common types of yeast infection


A thrush test can detect oral yeast infections, which affect the mouth. This condition is most common in infants and the elderly. Symptoms include:

  • White spots in the mouth which may bleed
  • Redness in mouth and/or throat
  • Unpleasant taste in mouth
  • Loss of taste
  • Pain in the mouth
  • Cracked corners of the mouth
  • Difficulty eating and drinking

Factors which may increase the likelihood of contracting an oral yeast infection include taking antibiotics, smoking, dry mouth, improperly fitted dentures, poor oral hygiene and receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy.


A thrush test at home can detect vaginal yeast infections, which affect the vagina. Symptoms include:

  • Vaginal itching, irritation or discomfort
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Vaginal redness and/or swelling

Factors which may contribute to developing vaginal yeast infections include hormonal changes (such as pregnancy), medical conditions (like diabetes) and medicines (especially antibiotics).


Yeast infections that affect the skin are called ‘cutaneous candidiasis’; they may also affect the nails. Common symptoms include:

  • Red rash
  • Itchy, cracked, scaly or flaky skin
  • Red or purple patches
  • Sore skin
  • Discoloured or thickened nails
  • Blisters

Risk factors for developing cutaneous candidiasis include wearing tight or restrictive clothing, poor hygiene, humid or hot weather, pregnancy, inflammatory diseases, diabetes and hypothyroidism.

Instant access to chat with a doctor with a comprehensive range of services

With Instant Consult, you can chat with a doctor and get help for a wide range of medical requests, all from the comfort of your home!


Medical Certificates

Are you too ill to come into work and need to give your boss a medical certificate? With Instant Consult you can chat with a doctor and get a medical certificate sent directly to your app’s inbox, all without getting out of bed!



If you need a new prescription or need to update an ongoing one then you can use our app to instantly chat to a doctor who can prepare your prescription promptly!



If you have a medical condition that needs treatment from a specialist, one of our GP’s can send a digital referral straight to your app’s inbox.


Pathology Requests

If you need a blood cell count or to check for STDs/STIs or need any other kind of bloodwork you can easily get a pathology request sent to your inbox by any of our fully licensed online GPs. You can then take the request to the clinic of your choice.


Radiology Requests

If you require any special kind of diagnostic imaging such as a CAT scan or an MRI you can get a request from one of our online GPs which you can then take to your preferred provider.

Thrush treatment options

Dealing with yeast infections is relatively simple and involves the use of antifungals which may be purchased over-the-counter or on prescription. The form of antifungal you take (i.e. cream, suppository) will depend on the area that is infected.

  • Oral infections are often treated with antifungal tablets, lozenges or as a mouthwash
  • Vaginal yeast infections tend to be treated in gel, cream, suppository or tablet form
  • Skin infections may be treated with antifungal ointments, creams, sprays or powders

Severe cases may be treated with an oral or intravenous antifungal thrush medication. Most medicines are used once or twice daily for up to six weeks or longer.

Your doctor will help you decide which thrush treatment online is best for you. They will consider factors such as whether or not you are pregnant, what other medicines you are taking, and if you have any health conditions or allergies.

Potential side effects of antifungals include:

  • Itching, redness or burning at the site
  • Headache
  • Indigestion

In rare instances they may cause severe allergic reactions. They also interact with certain medicines. They should not be used by people with liver damage unless your doctor says it is okay.

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Community of Doctors

Australian registered, fully qualified, insured and experienced Doctors right at your fingertips ready for an instant online consult

How we work

Simply download the Instant Consult app, create an account and request a consultation with one of our friendly doctors. They will assess you over the phone and depending on your needs either write you a referral or send a prescription for medicine to your local pharmacy.

Our doctors are available day and night, 7 days a week, Australia-wide to help you when you need it most. We offer professional service at competitive rates, making us the ideal choice for those who want medical service from the comfort of their home.

Enjoy the benefits of a doctor in your pocket – download our FREE mobile app from the Google or Apple store today!